Source code for qr_code.qrcode.serve

import base64
import urllib.parse
from import Mapping
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Optional, Union, Any

from django.conf import settings
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser, User
from django.core.signing import Signer
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.crypto import get_random_string
from django.utils.encoding import force_str
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
from pydantic import validate_arguments

from qr_code.qrcode import constants, PYDANTIC_CONFIG
from qr_code.qrcode.utils import QRCodeOptions

def _get_default_url_protection_options() -> dict:
    return {
        constants.TOKEN_LENGTH: 20,
        constants.SIGNING_KEY: settings.SECRET_KEY,
        constants.SIGNING_SALT: "qr_code_url_protection_salt",

def _get_url_protection_settings() -> Optional[Mapping]:
    if hasattr(settings, "QR_CODE_URL_PROTECTION") and isinstance(settings.QR_CODE_URL_PROTECTION, Mapping):
        return settings.QR_CODE_URL_PROTECTION
    return None

def _options_allow_external_request(url_protection_options: Mapping, user: Union[User, AnonymousUser, None]) -> bool:
    # Evaluate the callable if required.
    if callable(url_protection_options[constants.ALLOWS_EXTERNAL_REQUESTS_FOR_REGISTERED_USER]):
        allows_external_request = url_protection_options[constants.ALLOWS_EXTERNAL_REQUESTS_FOR_REGISTERED_USER](user or AnonymousUser())
    elif url_protection_options[constants.ALLOWS_EXTERNAL_REQUESTS_FOR_REGISTERED_USER] is True:
        allows_external_request = user and and user.is_authenticated
        allows_external_request = False
    return allows_external_request

def requires_url_protection_token(user: Union[User, AnonymousUser, None] = None) -> bool:
    return not _options_allow_external_request(get_url_protection_options(), user)

def allows_external_request_from_user(user: Union[User, AnonymousUser, None] = None) -> bool:
    return _options_allow_external_request(get_url_protection_options(), user)

def get_url_protection_options() -> dict:
    options = _get_default_url_protection_options()
    settings_options = _get_url_protection_settings()
    if settings_options is not None:
    return options

def _make_random_token() -> str:
    url_protection_options = get_url_protection_options()
    return get_random_string(url_protection_options[constants.TOKEN_LENGTH])

_RANDOM_TOKEN = _make_random_token()

[docs]def get_qr_url_protection_signed_token(qr_code_options: QRCodeOptions): """Generate a signed token to handle view protection.""" url_protection_options = get_url_protection_options() signer = Signer(key=url_protection_options[constants.SIGNING_KEY], salt=url_protection_options[constants.SIGNING_SALT]) token = signer.sign(get_qr_url_protection_token(qr_code_options, _RANDOM_TOKEN)) return token
[docs]def get_qr_url_protection_token(qr_code_options, random_token): """ Generate a random token for the QR code image. The token contains image attributes so that a user cannot use a token provided somewhere on a website to generate bigger QR codes. The random_token part ensures that the signed token is not predictable. """ return ".".join( list( map( str, ( qr_code_options.size, qr_code_options.border, qr_code_options.version or "", qr_code_options.image_format, qr_code_options.error_correction, random_token, ), ) ) )
def qr_code_etag(request) -> str: return f'"{request.path}:{request.GET.urlencode()}:version_{constants.QR_CODE_GENERATION_VERSION_DATE.isoformat()}"' def qr_code_last_modified(_request) -> datetime: return constants.QR_CODE_GENERATION_VERSION_DATE
[docs]@validate_arguments(config=PYDANTIC_CONFIG) def make_qr_code_url( data: Any, qr_code_options: Optional[QRCodeOptions] = None, force_text: bool = True, cache_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, url_signature_enabled: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> str: """Build an URL to a view that handle serving QR code image from the given parameters. Any invalid argument related to the size or the format of the image is silently converted into the default value for that argument. :param str data: Data to encode into a QR code. :param QRCodeOptions qr_code_options: The rendering options for the QR code. :param bool force_text: Tells whether we want to force the `data` to be considered as text string and encoded in byte mode. :param bool cache_enabled: Allows to skip caching the QR code (when set to *False*) when caching has been enabled. :param bool url_signature_enabled: Tells whether the random token for protecting the URL against external requests is added to the returned URL. It defaults to *True*. """ qr_code_options = QRCodeOptions() if qr_code_options is None else qr_code_options if url_signature_enabled is None: url_signature_enabled = constants.DEFAULT_URL_SIGNATURE_ENABLED if cache_enabled is None: cache_enabled = constants.DEFAULT_CACHE_ENABLED cache_enabled_arg = 1 if cache_enabled else 0 if force_text: encoded_data = str(base64.b64encode(force_str(data).encode("utf-8")), encoding="utf-8") params = dict(text=encoded_data, cache_enabled=cache_enabled_arg) elif isinstance(data, int): params = dict(int=data, cache_enabled=cache_enabled_arg) else: if isinstance(data, str): b64data = base64.b64encode(force_str(data).encode("utf-8")) else: b64data = base64.b64encode(data) encoded_data = str(b64data, encoding="utf-8") params = dict(bytes=encoded_data, cache_enabled=cache_enabled_arg) # Only add non-default values to the params dict if qr_code_options.size != constants.DEFAULT_MODULE_SIZE: params["size"] = qr_code_options.size if qr_code_options.border != constants.DEFAULT_BORDER_SIZE: params["border"] = qr_code_options.border if qr_code_options.version != constants.DEFAULT_VERSION: params["version"] = qr_code_options.version if qr_code_options.image_format != constants.DEFAULT_IMAGE_FORMAT: params["image_format"] = qr_code_options.image_format if qr_code_options.error_correction != constants.DEFAULT_ERROR_CORRECTION: params["error_correction"] = qr_code_options.error_correction if qr_code_options.micro: params["micro"] = 1 if qr_code_options.eci: params["eci"] = 1 if qr_code_options.boost_error: params["boost_error"] = 1 params["encoding"] = qr_code_options.encoding if qr_code_options.encoding else "" params.update(qr_code_options.color_mapping()) path = reverse("qr_code:serve_qr_code_image") if url_signature_enabled: # Generate token to handle view protection. The token is added to the query arguments. It does not replace # existing plain data query arguments in order to allow usage of the URL as an API (without token since external # users cannot generate the signed token!). token = get_qr_url_protection_signed_token(qr_code_options) params["token"] = token url = f"{path}?{urllib.parse.urlencode(params)}" return mark_safe(url)